Thursday, February 19, 2015

Battlefields to Give a Gift to its Vets

To the veterans of past Battlefield games can expect something special. All you have to do is play Battlefield:Hardline when it is launched on March 17th( or after).

Players who have played Battlefield :Bad Comapany 2, Battlefield 3, and Battlefield 4 will receive "The Veterans Pack" for Battlefield : Hardline. This includes

         - A special in game veterans patch
         - 200% Objective boost with a 30 min time limit
         - 200% Teamplay boost with a 30 min time limit

To redeem all you need to do is play the new Battlefield: Hardline with your Origins account linked. Just make sure that you have one of the three games listed linked to receive this pack. I know it's not some special Vets only weapon or vehicle, but I guess it will do.

Does this make you want to play the older games? Does this even make a damn to you? Let me know @davidyerion

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